Articles from the Social Security Category
Market Forecasts, Mega Stocks, and the Year Ahead
January 25, 2025 | By Kevin Smith
The image below reflects what I imagine the world’s greatest stock market forecaster envisions when she closes her eyes. All of the millions of variables perfectly connected into a beautiful coherent understanding of how it all works: Imagine a formula…Read More
Taxes, Retirement, and Timing Social Security
August 31, 2015 | By Kevin Smith
The advantages of tax deferral are often emphasized when it comes to saving for retirement. So it might seem like a good idea to hold off on taking taxable distributions from retirement plans for as long as possible. (Note: Required…Read More
No Matter What Your Age, Your Social Security Statement Matters
January 13, 2015 | By Kevin Smith
Fifteen years ago, the Social Security Administration (SSA) launched the Social Security Statement, a tool to help Americans understand the features and benefits that Social Security offers. Since then, millions of Americans have reviewed their personalized statements to see a…Read More
Helping Your Parents Manage Their Finances
December 12, 2014 | By Kevin Smith
As the U.S. population gets older, more people, particularly baby boomers, are confronting a dilemma. As parents age, their ability to manage their own finances may decline. That can make it more likely that they may neglect the life savings…Read More
Retiring and Relocating? Don’t Neglect State Taxes!
October 9, 2014 | By Kevin Smith
If you’re retired, or about to retire, you may be thinking about relocating to a state that has low tax rates or provides special tax benefits to retirees. Here’s a survey that may jump-start your search for a tax-friendly state…Read More
Are you ready to retire?
September 19, 2014 | By Kevin Smith
Here are some questions to ask yourself when deciding whether or not you are ready to retire. Is your nest egg adequate? It’s obvious, but the earlier you retire, the less time you’ll have to save, and the more years…Read More
Quiz: How much do you know about Social Security?
September 3, 2014 | By Kevin Smith
You’re probably covered under Social Security–according to the Social Security Administration, an estimated 165 million workers are*–but how much do you know about this program? Test your knowledge by answering the following questions. Questions 1. If you decide to collect…Read More