Transferring Funds from a 529 to a Roth IRA
July 25, 2024  | By David Lowe

A 529 account can be a great tool for saving for college. Investment growth is tax-free, and so are the withdrawals (if used for qualifying education expenses). In many parts of the country, state income tax deductions are available for…Read More

Using Dollar-Cost Averaging to Reduce Risk
May 15, 2024  | By Kevin Smith

Investing a large sum of money can be daunting, especially with the uncertainty of market fluctuations. Enter dollar-cost averaging (DCA), a strategy designed to help investors manage risk by spreading their investments over time. By consistently investing a fixed amount,…Read More

Pay Yourself First: What to Do When You Receive a Raise
February 26, 2024  | By David Lowe

Many companies conduct performance reviews and announce employee pay raises toward the end of February or in March. As a smart, creative go-getter, you most likely have great news on the way! But how do you put your higher pay…Read More

What to Do With a Lump Sum of Cash?
September 4, 2023  | By Kevin Smith

Having a pile of cash in the bank is usually a good thing, but it requires some stressful decision making. How much can we spend (YOLO!)? How much should we save? What about taxes? Should we pay down our mortgage?…Read More

Netflix “How to Get Rich” Insights
May 9, 2023  | By David Lowe

What can Netflix teach us about our money? You may be surprised how relevant the lessons can be. In his new documentary series “How to Get Rich,” financial podcast host Ramit Sethi highlights the importance of developing a plan for…Read More

Managing Your Cash to the Max
July 27, 2021  | By Derek Ripp

AWM partner Derek Ripp, CFP® recently authored this piece for Kiplinger on how much cash to hold, where to keep it, and strategies to get the most out of it. Read the excerpt below and full article here. If the…Read More

New Electronic Hand Slapper
May 6, 2014  | By Kevin Smith

The Wealth Management System that tracks and summarizes your financial world now has the ability to send you email alerts. You can setup an alert if your cash gets too low, if you exceed your budget, you incur a large…Read More

Improved Mobile Access to Your Wealth Management System
March 6, 2014  | By Kevin Smith

  The latest mobile version of the Wealth Management System is now live. We encourage you to explore this excellent use of technology.   Quick links to important information such as: Net Worth Investments Spending Budget Transactions Vault Some of…Read More