How we use Twitter
November 28, 2016  | By Kevin Smith

If you use Twitter, you may want to consider following us. We have found Twitter to be an excellent method of providing current and relevant perspectives on important financial topics. This allows us to use email sparingly and save you…Read More

Charity + Tax Deduction: a charitable fund
November 8, 2016  | By Kevin Smith

This may be relevant if you are interested in some combination of the following… You want to be involved in charitable giving. You are seeking tax deductions. You want to take your time to determine the proper array of charities…Read More

Market timing: if and when it is sensible?
October 4, 2016  | By Kevin Smith

Rob Arnott is the founder of Research Affiliates, a firm that researches sources of long-term excess returns in financial markets. This five minute interview contains his thoughts on the efficacy of market timing and his belief in the most practical…Read More

Presidential Elections and Stock Markets
October 3, 2016  | By Kevin Smith

We naturally receive quite a few questions about investing with regards to the upcoming Presidential election, and as you might expect given the polarizing nature of the candidates, the concerns about potential market declines usually align with the political leanings…Read More

Interest Rate Decline on Federal Student Loans
July 25, 2016  | By Kevin Smith

New student loans issued by the federal government will cost students less. More info here

3 BIG Financial Considerations to Having Children
June 23, 2016  | By Kevin Smith

By:  Jonathan McQuade, CFP® Okay, okay.  Deciding to have children is not often based on the idea of a positive economic outcome for parents.  As the father of two young children, my colleagues like to remind me of the average…Read More

Taxes, Retirement, and Timing Social Security
August 31, 2015  | By Kevin Smith

The advantages of tax deferral are often emphasized when it comes to saving for retirement. So it might seem like a good idea to hold off on taking taxable distributions from retirement plans for as long as possible. (Note: Required…Read More

Six Life Insurance Mistakes to Avoid
August 31, 2015  | By Kevin Smith

Life insurance has long been recognized as a useful way to provide for your heirs and loved ones when you die. Naming your policy’s beneficiaries should be a relatively simple task. However, there are a number of situations that can…Read More

Correlation and Portfolio Performance
August 31, 2015  | By Kevin Smith

Different types of investments are subject to different types of risk. On days when you notice that stock prices have fallen, for example, it would not be unusual to see a rally in the bond market. Asset allocation refers to…Read More

The Cost of Credit
August 13, 2015  | By Kevin Smith

Sometimes you need to borrow money, especially to pay for a large purchase such as a home or a car. It’s easy to focus on your monthly loan payment, but to appreciate how much borrowing money might really cost, you…Read More