Market Forecasts, Mega Stocks, and the Year Ahead
January 25, 2025  | By Kevin Smith

The image below reflects what I imagine the world’s greatest stock market forecaster envisions when she closes her eyes. All of the millions of variables perfectly connected into a beautiful coherent understanding of how it all works: Imagine a formula…Read More

December 20, 2024  | By Kevin Smith

A lot has changed with Bitcoin since our 2021 blog post, so it’s time for an update. Bitcoin has achieved staying power. With a total market value of about $2 trillion, it probably isn’t going away unless its cryptography is broken…Read More

The Post-Election Markets
November 23, 2024  | By Kevin Smith

The elections are over. Some of you are distraught and some are elated – we know because we have both types of conversations every day. It was stressful for everyone because of the uncertainty, but the sun rises again and…Read More

Dealing With The Dips
September 1, 2024  | By Kevin Smith

Employees get paid for doing work. Investors get paid for taking risk. Risk is the chance of losing value between the time of purchase and sale. We experience risk when the value of an asset falls while we own it….Read More

Using Dollar-Cost Averaging to Reduce Risk
May 15, 2024  | By Kevin Smith

Investing a large sum of money can be daunting, especially with the uncertainty of market fluctuations. Enter dollar-cost averaging (DCA), a strategy designed to help investors manage risk by spreading their investments over time. By consistently investing a fixed amount,…Read More

T-Bill & Chill
January 17, 2024  | By Kevin Smith

Hop in the time machine with me. You could have bought a 30 year Treasury Bond in 1981 yielding 15% annual income! That income was backed by the taxing authority of the United States Treasury, so it was pretty safe….Read More

Your Rental vs the Market?
October 1, 2023  | By Kevin Smith

Thinking about buying a real estate investment property? With interest rates on investment property mortgages near 8%, it is more difficult to generate positive cash flow on these properties than even a year ago. Investors who can pay for a…Read More

What to Do With a Lump Sum of Cash?
September 4, 2023  | By Kevin Smith

Having a pile of cash in the bank is usually a good thing, but it requires some stressful decision making. How much can we spend (YOLO!)? How much should we save? What about taxes? Should we pay down our mortgage?…Read More

Investing in AI
August 10, 2023  | By Kevin Smith

Marc Andreessen, perhaps the most influential venture capitalist, offers a simple definition of artificial intelligence: “The application of mathematics and software code to teach computers how to understand, synthesize, and generate knowledge in ways similar to how people do it.”…Read More

Inflation and Your Cash Flow
November 15, 2022  | By Kevin Smith

The combination of high price inflation, higher interest rates, and a stock market recession is rippling through household budgets across the world. The impact varies quite a bit depending on sources of income, debt levels, property ownership, insurance coverage and…Read More