Open Enrollment Decisions
October 20, 2023  | By David Lowe

Early fall is open enrollment season for employer-provided benefits, as well as for Medicare. Open enrollment is a crucial time to review – and possibly update – your selections for health insurance, life insurance, disability insurance and more. Which open…Read More

Your Rental vs the Market?
October 1, 2023  | By Kevin Smith

Thinking about buying a real estate investment property? With interest rates on investment property mortgages near 8%, it is more difficult to generate positive cash flow on these properties than even a year ago. Investors who can pay for a…Read More

What to Do With a Lump Sum of Cash?
September 4, 2023  | By Kevin Smith

Having a pile of cash in the bank is usually a good thing, but it requires some stressful decision making. How much can we spend (YOLO!)? How much should we save? What about taxes? Should we pay down our mortgage?…Read More

Investing in AI
August 10, 2023  | By Kevin Smith

Marc Andreessen, perhaps the most influential venture capitalist, offers a simple definition of artificial intelligence: “The application of mathematics and software code to teach computers how to understand, synthesize, and generate knowledge in ways similar to how people do it.”…Read More

Legal Documents for Young Adults
July 29, 2023  | By Manisha Gupta

  Did your son or daughter just turn 18? Chances are that they are about to start college and are looking forward to this exciting phase of life. You might not feel your child is fully grown and that they…Read More

Netflix “How to Get Rich” Insights
May 9, 2023  | By David Lowe

What can Netflix teach us about our money? You may be surprised how relevant the lessons can be. In his new documentary series “How to Get Rich,” financial podcast host Ramit Sethi highlights the importance of developing a plan for…Read More

Vacation Home Tax Treatment
March 2, 2023  | By David Lowe

If you plan to own a vacation home, you probably already can envision your dream site. It could be a cozy mountain chalet, a relaxed beach house within earshot of the surf or a luxurious apartment overlooking the New York…Read More

Choosing a Business Entity: Part II
January 10, 2023  | By David Lowe

Part II: Tax Considerations and Entity Selection Case Studies Entrepreneurial spirit, customer service, innovation and grit are some of the keys to running a successful business. Perhaps just as important, though – at least from a financial perspective – is…Read More

Choosing a Business Entity: Part I
December 28, 2022  | By David Lowe

Part I: Formation, Day-to-Day Operations and Liability You are excited to start your own business. You offer a unique product or service, target a clearly defined market, possess the expertise to deliver superior value to clients and invest long hours…Read More

Tax Advantages When Selling a Home
December 10, 2022  | By David Lowe

What if you knew that up to $500,000 of gain on an asset would be tax-free? Would you consider investing in that asset? Chances are, you already own such an investment. More specifically, you live in it. As tax expert…Read More