2024 Q2 Investor Update
April 29, 2024  | By Matt Pierce

This month we want to highlight some of the key takeaways from our quarterly update video as well as expand on a couple of areas that may be in focus in the months ahead. Signs of life in the global…Read More

A Case of Bad Breadth
October 30, 2023  | By Matt Pierce

Through much of the year, strong year-to-date gains have been touted, and even despite a near 10% selloff since July, the S&P 500 remains up over 8.5% year to date. However, that strength has come from an ever narrowing list…Read More

Your Rental vs the Market?
October 1, 2023  | By Kevin Smith

Thinking about buying a real estate investment property? With interest rates on investment property mortgages near 8%, it is more difficult to generate positive cash flow on these properties than even a year ago. Investors who can pay for a…Read More

Investing in AI
August 10, 2023  | By Kevin Smith

Marc Andreessen, perhaps the most influential venture capitalist, offers a simple definition of artificial intelligence: “The application of mathematics and software code to teach computers how to understand, synthesize, and generate knowledge in ways similar to how people do it.”…Read More

2023 Increases for Social Security Income, Retirement Plans, HSAs & IRAs
November 30, 2022  | By David Lowe

There are some bright spots amid inflation news. Social Security benefits are set to increase, and workers will be able to contribute more to their retirement accounts in 2023 than in 2022. The following details are important considerations for open…Read More

Broken Bonds
August 19, 2022  | By Matt Pierce

If we’re only ever looking back we will drive ourselves insane As the friendship goes resentment grows We will walk our different ways But those are the days that bind us together, forever And those little things define us forever,…Read More

The Language of Loss
August 4, 2022  | By Kevin Smith

If you bet against the Golden State Warriors basketball team, and you watched their star, Steph Curry, make a game winning shot, it may have felt like you were losing money from the time the ball left his hand until…Read More

Vested RSUs in a Market Decline
August 4, 2022  | By Manisha Gupta

Do you have restricted stock units (RSUs) that have recently vested? If you work in the tech or financial sectors in 2022, that probably means that you have seen a decline in their value (energy sector folks have this in…Read More

HSAs: The Triple Tax Advantaged Investment Account
July 26, 2022  | By Manisha Gupta

Although the Health Savings Account (HSA) was created as part of the Medicare Modernization Act in 2003, we field questions almost daily from clients who don’t understand what an HSA account is or how to efficiently use it. During open…Read More

‘Kiddie’ Tax Advantages
June 27, 2022  | By David Lowe

Tax considerations are a key part of a successful financial plan, and that’s true of minors as well as adults. A previous blog post explored Roth IRAs as investments to position young workers for future tax savings. However, a child’s…Read More