Inflation and Your Cash Flow
November 15, 2022  | By Kevin Smith

The combination of high price inflation, higher interest rates, and a stock market recession is rippling through household budgets across the world. The impact varies quite a bit depending on sources of income, debt levels, property ownership, insurance coverage and…Read More

Broken Bonds
August 19, 2022  | By Matt Pierce

If we’re only ever looking back we will drive ourselves insane As the friendship goes resentment grows We will walk our different ways But those are the days that bind us together, forever And those little things define us forever,…Read More

Should I Pay Off My Mortgage?
August 15, 2022  | By David Lowe

Debt can be a complex and emotional topic. That is true even for mortgages and other “good debt” (a term sometimes used for money owed on an asset that is likely to increase in value). For many Americans, the mortgage…Read More

The Language of Loss
August 4, 2022  | By Kevin Smith

If you bet against the Golden State Warriors basketball team, and you watched their star, Steph Curry, make a game winning shot, it may have felt like you were losing money from the time the ball left his hand until…Read More

Vested RSUs in a Market Decline
August 4, 2022  | By Manisha Gupta

Do you have restricted stock units (RSUs) that have recently vested? If you work in the tech or financial sectors in 2022, that probably means that you have seen a decline in their value (energy sector folks have this in…Read More

HSAs: The Triple Tax Advantaged Investment Account
July 26, 2022  | By Manisha Gupta

Although the Health Savings Account (HSA) was created as part of the Medicare Modernization Act in 2003, we field questions almost daily from clients who don’t understand what an HSA account is or how to efficiently use it. During open…Read More

‘Kiddie’ Tax Advantages
June 27, 2022  | By David Lowe

Tax considerations are a key part of a successful financial plan, and that’s true of minors as well as adults. A previous blog post explored Roth IRAs as investments to position young workers for future tax savings. However, a child’s…Read More

Emergency Fund: Not Too Much, Or Too Little
May 27, 2022  | By Manisha Gupta

Dave Ramsey has been telling America for years on his financial radio show to keep an emergency fund that covers at least a few months of expenses. Thank you, Dave! You saved a lot of people from financial ruin with…Read More

Roth IRAs for the Kiddos
May 5, 2022  | By David Lowe

How your teenager (or even younger child) can benefit from a Roth IRA You have a high-achieving teenager who balances high school studies, chores and extracurricular activities with part-time work. Or maybe your college student took a job to help…Read More

I Bonds: Thriving During Inflation
April 29, 2022  | By Manisha Gupta

Concerned about inflation, perhaps for the first time in your lifetime? For many families we work with, it’s been decades since even the adults have seen inflation rising this quickly. But, the U.S. government has a nifty, old-school instrument available…Read More