The Language of Loss
August 4, 2022  | By Kevin Smith

If you bet against the Golden State Warriors basketball team, and you watched their star, Steph Curry, make a game winning shot, it may have felt like you were losing money from the time the ball left his hand until…Read More

Markets and War
March 15, 2022  | By Kevin Smith

I’ve heard financial markets described as “expectations machines”, and I think that’s about right. Asset prices are based on what people are willing to pay for them, which is based on what they expect to receive in return. Prices go…Read More

Stepping Up Your Password Security
August 26, 2021  | By Kevin Smith

After seeing a friend recently hacked to the tune of $30,000+, I decided to step up my personal data security game. Here is what I learned, and what changes I am making. All traditional financial accounts like bank accounts and…Read More

Snipping Sneaky Subscriptions
June 28, 2021  | By Kevin Smith

  I used to be really cheap. From the time I went to college until my early 30s, I actively avoided nice things. I bought house brand groceries, almost never bought new clothes, never paid for a hotel room, rented…Read More

Your Life With Inflation
June 28, 2021  | By Kevin Smith

Two of my favorite topics of conversation – aliens and inflation – happened to both make it to mainstream discussion this month. I see some interesting similarities in these two mysterious subjects. There are trillions of stars. So it stands…Read More

What To Do With All That Home Equity?
May 3, 2021  | By Kevin Smith

Elon is here and he brought Tesla. It seems like a new celebrity or ultra-wealthy tech investor moves to Austin every week, and I hear casual Austin references in podcasts so often I barely take note anymore. This type of…Read More

Game Stop Lessons
February 15, 2021  | By Kevin Smith

You may have read a dozen articles about Game Stop last week, or maybe none, but you probably heard the buzz: regular folks getting rich and hedge funds losing billions. There is much to learn from the story that created…Read More

Our Updated View on Bitcoin
January 22, 2021  | By Kevin Smith

We have been studying Bitcoin for a few years, trying to understand it from many angles to figure out why, how and when it might make sense to buy. ‘Because the price of Bitcoin has gone up dramatically’ is not…Read More

Tesla in the S&P 500
December 30, 2020  | By Kevin Smith

When you hear someone reference “the market”, they probably mean the S&P 500 index, at least here in the United States. It is a list of 500 companies (actually 505) selected by the US Index Committee that are meant to…Read More

Introducing My Kids to Investing
December 29, 2020  | By Kevin Smith

My kids are 3, 7, and 9. The first money concept I tried to teach them is that money does not fall from the sky, but Congress and the Federal Reserve keep proving me wrong. The older kids seem to…Read More